The “new customers” who haven’t placed an order with us ask for our reviews. Now, we want to warn you that online reviews can be fake. AAs we see every day, many online sellers post fake reviews or display fake WhatsApp conversations on their Clone Watches websites, which cannot be verified by “you” (“new customer”). We are very disappointed when customers fall for fake reviews, and waste their money.

You can now verify the reviews yourself. How does this system work? You can ask us by WhatsApp or Email. We’ll share with you our “system”. We will also show you how to verify the authenticity of any review that we provide.

You can start by checking out some of our Super Clone Watches customers WhatsApp chats below.You don’t really know if these are real until they’re confirmed. Drop us a line and let us provide you with as many proofs of our chats as possible. You can then verify these proofs.Look forward to a lasting business relationship.
